I came across a painting where I can see picture of women without her breast and vagina and tag line of the painting was "Just Take Them and Leave Me Alone". This painting by Raoof Haghighi touched on the most raw-nerve at the centre of the Iranian Women's Rights movement. It depicts a surreal image of a woman who, as her breasts and groin have been removed, is left free from the abusive constraints or demands placed on her because of the male response to those parts of her body.
This painting has something to do with the democracy of the world, I mean woman who is fed-up of her breast and vagina in patriarchal society, so has been the situation of the citizen with his/her voting rights. The way dominant cult is catapulting the stability of minds just to make them feel insecure in all possible way and harness on their insecurity just to gain some additional votes.
It is hypothetical to assume a women without her femininity and similarly a citizen without his voting rights. But how to escape those prowling eyes and their shrewd attempts to overcome the resistance faced by them who see your vote as an obstacle between them and their motivated vision is a challenge unto you.
As I said there is always a summer after winter and we can always count on our collective conscience which never fails us and expects nothing but a sincere effort from you to see through the din.