Friday 11 October 2024

Witnessing the soul in you

 We are surrounded by many philosophers, revolutionaries, protagonists and based on the interest generated within you, you buy a suitable opinion to identify the purpose of life. The one who doesn't wish to take an active participation opts for a passive role. He acts as a witness. He who never argues, he never profess, he never suggests.


Even the most active vibe at one point of time is forced to freeze and best thing he is allowed to do is just witness the unfolding. But is it the safest option to remain a witness? Absolutely it is not devoid of obstruction. For your right to witness is subjected to manipulation, result is that you may expect a pleasant occasion but out of syllabus shock greets you.

You may be wondering why is that the basic right to witness being manipulated, as the world which is highly corrupted wants you to witness the evil in you and there is an entire hierarchy that is put in force to appropriate the God in you.



Witnessing the God in you is the greatest gift God can deliver it to you. As and when that population which has witnessed the evil in them bulge so it becomes difficult for the individuals to witness the God in them. But with right intentions and unparalleled belief nothing is impossible.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Empowerment is the real favour you do

 We all see people bragging about improving women conditions and chalking out new schemes in that direction. We may provide highest level of service to them but nothing would match that level of empowering them. Empowerment is about treating them as equals amidst unequal.


In a family, it is the father who is seen as the empowering agent who delegates rights and responsibilities amongst the family members. And in the society it is the citizens group who empower a leadership to decide the direction in which the society has to move forward.

This feel of empowerment is quite subtle in nature, as the tables can turn upside down once a disguised wrong character assumes the helm of affairs questioning the roots of empowerment and trying to manipulate the devolution of powers for the deceptive causes.


Hence it becomes necessary to take into account each  and every member of the setup who are immune to manipulative forces and act as restoration points once they identify the Trojans trying to over power through dismissive means.


Saturday 28 September 2024

Ugly, uglier, ugliest

Distinction between beautifulness and being ugly is contextual. An individual can praise your beauty but when it is out of context it turns out to be a sarcastic mention. Same holds good for an outward degrading comment. It is all about being in right context.


We can see a group of esteemed people praising a person for his bravery and crowning him as their messiah. But in reality they expect him to do the ugly job for them in return for all the praise and honor. And a smart person who enjoys this coronation just posts the ugly job to the underdogs using the same technique used against him by the esteemed i.e. he anoints the underdogs as protectors of the supremacy.

This is a vicious ecosystem of ugliness and is most accepted form of ridiculousness which everyone in the loop are aware of. But vulnerable are the ones who are innocents who donot know they are indeed hired for doing the ugly job of the drag racers. They may or may not realize the trap. Even after they realize, it will always be too late.


Though a well informed person may not be visibly affected by this below the table understanding, but these kind of duplicity will be emboldening the individuals who betrays accountability eventually create an ecosystem favoring formation of more duplicates.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Majboori Ka naam Mahatma Gandhi ?

So we are going to stumble upon Gandhi Jayanthi within a week i.e. on 2nd October. As usual there will be customary functions at government level, meat and wine shops closed and it will be an paid off for the working class.

I had that privilege to visit the famed Sabarmati ashram situated on banks of river Sabarmati at the centre of Ahmedabad city where Gandhi spent his time preparing himself for a greater battle of life which the destiny wanted him to lead on behalf of millions of Indians. 

And this Gandhi jayanthi adds more value to the millions of Gandhians like me across the world as it marks an end to their proxy standing amidst closed society and indicates a dawn of their emotional connect with soul of India.

I had a brief altercation with one my online well-wisher who questioned my backing for the tenets of Mahatma Gandhi which according to him was a vague attempt as he finds the world heavily disoriented from the ideals of Gandhiji. I have no two words accepting his observation on its face value but who is at loss because of this disorientation, is it the world or the essence of Mahatma Gandhi? Great people doesn't need this world as they have found their way into red books of the time. It is this disoriented world that needs the margdharshan of great people during these troubled times.

Very aspect of follies who seek to character assassinate the great souls indicate that great souls have done their worthy job on behalf of all those sweet hearts to prove that millions of deceits cannot stand before a mighty soul with a mighty heart.

Last but not least Mahatma Gandhi doesn't symbolize majboori instead symbolize fact check for the ones who are off-springs of majboori.

Friday 20 September 2024

Vocal for local, fine balance between cost and quality

Hot topic this season is that of the very revered tirupati laddu. Being a follower of Lord Venkateshwara, the turn of unpleasant events only points out that we as a society are very far way from self discretion and we are always waiting for opportunity to over-ride the loop holes prone guidelines provided an opportunity to do so.

Coming to technical aspects of the incident, it is evident that Karnataka owned KMF was usual supplier of laddu ingredient to the TTD and that status quo was foregone which according to KMF was related to cost benefit factor. TTD had chosen to partner with third party supplier accordingly.

Many may argue the need for TTD to disturb the fine balance by changing the supplier. But many would acknowledge this very attitude of eliteism in business affairs which the superior tire organization finds it convenient to deal with another well known superior tiered organization in business affairs even though the same service is offered by less known organization.

This particular incident acts as ammunition and further strengthens the notion of superior organizations to over-ride the need to provide opportunity to less established individuals and there by disturbing the distribution of opportunity.

Sunday 15 September 2024

The pseudo freedom fighters

We always have great respect for freedom fighters. It is in the name of freedom fighters the entire social fabric of present modern India has been weaved. Modern India without freedom struggle is nothing but balloon without air and that was the exact game plan of self appointed guardians of culture who wanted to erase that part of freedom struggle from the memories of India to reclaim what they called AKHAND BHARAT guided by a pseudo constitution.

Who better can defeat freedom fighter rather than pseudo freedom fighters? So the self appointed guardians discovered new freedom fighters so that they can fill-up history of India with their version of pseudo freedom struggle. A freedom struggle by the zamindars, a freedom struggle by the sages, a freedom struggle by the armed.  

Though these attempts were severely defaced by the recently concluded loksabha elections but that might not deter pseudos from manipulating the education system to accommodate pseudo freedom fighters and hence pseudo freedom struggle into the curriculum as the pseudos have intruded the highest positions of legislative, executive and judiciary wing of the government.

So what is the way ahead to neutralize such attempts of manipulation at the highest levels, we got to sensitize our younger generation just like sensitizing females adolescents about good touch and bad touch. We need to sit with the younger generation and make use of our sixth sense to redeem them from manipulated environment. More than teaching them about real freedom fighters and real freedom struggle we need to encourage them to identify pseudo freedom struggle and hence the pseudo freedom fighters.


Saturday 14 September 2024

The great radical scam

We always see people boasting about their cultural values and complaining about modernity as that set of principles that rob the culture of its values. What else sanskaris worry is that once we become culture less we are at the cusp of loosing our connection with the roots.

So what is the solution which reaches the wisdom of such sanskaris is that to invade the modernity of its time. You read me right, gone are the times where one used to rob the enemy of its wealth, resources and valuables, humanity has reached that perils that it has normalized to rob non-cooperatives of their TIME and thereby their life.


And its a treacherous SCAM that radicals are specialized in that wants control over someone's  dream by robbing their time and there by manipulating the same to their convenience. So what is the solution to this scam, it is same as what you do to prevent other types of scam, I mean AWARENESS is the key.

There is no provision is present man made law and order scheme to censure individuals or organization that steal your time directly but surely such attempts shall not escape the scrutiny of the mother nature that keeps account of each and every activity of this universe.