We might be sitting here right now enjoying our music, with a cup of coffee before a laptop. But lot of things are running in the background like in a laptop where in it is a team work of multiple instances of code.
Our next course of action is relative, a layman is worried about his income, a businessman his next deal and a politician his next election. It is a curve, sometimes defined by us and sometimes defined by our circumstances. And when I say circumstances it is about collective space wherein we agree with interconnection of curves. Mostly everyone are less or more worried about their growth but doesn't mind if their curve can benefit curve of the co-inhibitors.
Politics is one such area wherein we authorize an committee to define the curve for the nation on behalf of its citizens. A lot of things goes in the background just like in a laptop in arriving at best definition of the curve. In normal scenario and when dealing with normal circumstances we chose an individual who shares certain commonness and curve authorized by him more or less doesn't harm the country even if it missed set goals. And this fluctuations are balanced by the generational bonding who can cushion-effect and take responsibility for vagaries thrown by abrupt misbehavior of curve which was unintentional.
But it becomes a huge payback criteria when a curve posted as a result of limitless greed of an individual who is least worried about its after effects resulting in a tremendous constraints on generational bonding and thereby culminating in generational imbalance due to generational inequality. The problem with solving this disruption is more related to mistrust created by the greed and less about the technicalities.
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