Saturday 29 June 2024

Evolve or repeat

I hope everyone has heard about the phrase 'evolve or repeat'. And it is much more relevant in these days of proctored society. It is the age of tokenism, I am not sure whether the leader learnt the act of tokenism from his followers or the followers imbibed the quality from their leadership.

 By using the word tokenism I mean more than the will to perform, the effort is made to seize the occasion so that they serve as record for future reference. I don't understand why bhakti towards God need to be broadcasted or why my love towards my parents need a validation from sultry crowd. 

I am often confronted with a opinion that what is wrong with aspect as it is their personal prerogative to either keep it private or go public about the occasion. To be true even sometimes wonder why I should object for this glamorization of the personal domain. The other side of the story is there is nothing wrong if someone posts the pictures of what they eat or sh*t but problem arises when this glamorization turns into a trend and making it look foolish about the people who are least interested in this doctored trend.


Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest is replaced by survival of individual who evolve. And the result of this slogan is that there is no shortcut to evolve as it is more about convincing your soul who hold the key to evolution which makes it possible for the next generation to inherit evolutionary traits from their parental.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Let's tease please

 Yesterday I happened to travel by BMTC bus to my house and bus was perfectly crowded as usual. And this was after a long time I had taken a city bus as I was used to my Glamour bike for traveling within city limit for a solo ride.

 And specialty of this city bus travel was I could see that same atmosphere which I used to encounter during my college days. That agmark bus conductor who wanted to make the travel of passenger entertaining. Bus conductor who was in his mid 40s had expertise in art of teasing the gullible aunties traveling in the bus evoking laughter in the bus.

Teasing is something a talent not mastered by all, as it is all about timing. If you miss the timing the entire atmosphere could breach into ill feels quite opposite to the intent of the person who put his hands into teasing. Teasing can be healthy trend until and unless it does not poke into the privacy of the person and is well intended to make a spicy bond including certain kind of 'A' jokes too.

 Its the age of getting offended, people are tuned by the media to feel offended even by the lightest pun and this may lead to even cases in courts seeking hefty compensation in the name of disrespect. This trend is costing the relationship spectrum which otherwise was so plural evoking interesting point of views by the chalant.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Where is the plan?

 We are all part of the plan. Someone is busy micro planning to see us broke and someone is busy counter planning on behalf of us to see us avoid the pitfalls. And this continues from birth to till death. Never stopping never letting itself loose.


We have been so used to this micro planning that we have really felt dismayed about existence of such a scenario in our life and we boast of our natural intelligence as if everything was originated out of our magic wand. But the day we realize that we are more appreciated of our devotion towards the awakened rather than seeing the rival in him.

So what exactly is our job over here, of-course you came here to represent the awakened, allowing him to set a path for you to proceed and you become an art in the hands for the supreme artist. What if you are feeling regulated rather than being guided from the ultimate? And you feel confident that you have better planning than what is prescribed for you. You start swaying into the waters of misrepresentation.


And this makeover from representation to misrepresentation provides enough fodder for secessionist feelings. And till now which everything worked for you starts speaking language of misrepresentation context. Finally affecting your credentials which gone past your unsavory experiences badly espousing a need for a savior to intervene.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Then now later

Vision is such a ballistic aspect and it is quite relative. Not everyone gets validated for their visionary skills. For a wife her husband is a visionary, for a bhakt his swamiji is a visionary, for a mother her son is a visionary and for a voter his leader is a visionary. So the world moves on as a collective from these small scale visionaries branching out a direction towards the bigger vision.

Its a math and has to always have to side with an individual who can opt for a vision to such an extent that he opts himself out for sake of vision. There are two types of visionaries who contrasts each other and this becomes a flash point at some point of time. Some call it a judgement day, some call it jihad, some call dharma samsthapana, but everything boils to the same meaning. 

There is nothing such as show of muscle power, money power nor the manipulating power that can try to conquer the verticals that approve the vision and it has everything to do with who aligns himself with the vision that makes the ends meet rather than orchestrate discontinuities. If he proposes a step to take forward he has to be in alignment about path he walked past.

More we start aligning towards greater conscience more we stand validated of our vision.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Marking a milestone

 Milestone is a magic word that motivates a person like anything else can do. And it for these milestones people try to adopt by calibrating their strategy plan and what not. People are ready to sacrifice many things and are also ready to be absent in delivering their rightful duties for achieving their milestones.

And these milestones are quite relative. For example for a baby milestone is all about the day he starts crawling, the moment he starts sitting, walking, running and speaking. These moments are all recorded by the parents of the baby. Fast forward milestone of a old man is about the day he becomes a grandfather and he sees grandchildren achieve their milestone.

Just like an individual has his personal milestone even a country has its own milestone and it is quite relative too. And today you are witnessing end of final lap of elections in India. It may be not a significant moment but surely a milestone which decides the path people as a country supposed to take.

For a certain kind of people country's milestone is more about achieving a major target in attracting foreign investment to setup economic zones improving the standard of living of the people around. For a certain kind milestone is all about building statues, temples, enacting predatory laws and redefining historic milestones by manipulating its context.

But the matter is about our pride in identifying the suitable milestones to work upon together which helps us to evolve together as a country rather then getting disillusioned and fragmented.