Saturday 29 June 2024

Evolve or repeat

I hope everyone has heard about the phrase 'evolve or repeat'. And it is much more relevant in these days of proctored society. It is the age of tokenism, I am not sure whether the leader learnt the act of tokenism from his followers or the followers imbibed the quality from their leadership.

 By using the word tokenism I mean more than the will to perform, the effort is made to seize the occasion so that they serve as record for future reference. I don't understand why bhakti towards God need to be broadcasted or why my love towards my parents need a validation from sultry crowd. 

I am often confronted with a opinion that what is wrong with aspect as it is their personal prerogative to either keep it private or go public about the occasion. To be true even sometimes wonder why I should object for this glamorization of the personal domain. The other side of the story is there is nothing wrong if someone posts the pictures of what they eat or sh*t but problem arises when this glamorization turns into a trend and making it look foolish about the people who are least interested in this doctored trend.


Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest is replaced by survival of individual who evolve. And the result of this slogan is that there is no shortcut to evolve as it is more about convincing your soul who hold the key to evolution which makes it possible for the next generation to inherit evolutionary traits from their parental.

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