Saturday 31 August 2024

Headlines management

 If you ask for a opinion about a specific subject from a person it will be very rare for the person to ask for some time to study about the subject and then come back to you with relevant facts and figures based on which he has cut across the matter and there by his opinion.


Just like fast food which made inroads into the cosmopolitan cities of country, it is the fast news that has made its inroads into the opinion shaping of the layman. Those attractive flash news headlines, highlighted stencils on social media and more over number of likes and comments that fast news has attracted.

Its understandable that in competitive worlds the 24X7 news channels are hungry for content which can throttle their TRP and hence their viewership. But what is that makes government body to run behind these headlines that they believe can manipulate their policy decisions. A government body that has 30 lakh employees, own police force and communication channel feel threatened by so called "BREAKING NEWS".


If a institution can budge to some spicy headlines, it does not indicate mightiness of the headlines manager but weakness of institution foundation which isn't shielded from the vulnerability. 

Saturday 24 August 2024

So I can destroy thy

India is a strange country, wherein if you see something shining it is assumed that someone was annulled of his shine in the duo process or in other words if someone howls about dharma it must be because a non-believer has just been able to settle score with a believer who is now tagged an adharmi.


We let the destroyer to uproot the seeds and then blame the planter to be weak in guarding the seeds he had sown. In other words, onus of a developing story lies on the shoulders of the developer till it break even and efforts in this direction are held in private account. If the story fails to survive over a period of time, story dies down a private death not even making it to public obituary.

Any treasure found on a private land can be confiscated by the state treasury but otherwise is not legal. The very institution that is fast enough to auction the natural resources doesn't have the same urgency in attending to the natural calamity. There is no dearth to contradictions around us.


We are always shown our places if we ever try to fight the force which conspires to unnerve us. The question arises if we were just waiting to be shown our place?


Sunday 11 August 2024

Pseudo-Migration (weaponisation of poverty) - Part - 2

This is in continuation to previous post, as mentioned migration is all about entering a new horizon bereft of any nativity backing, completely new to the whereabouts. Its like entering a circus without knowing who is the ringmaster yet hoping for a consonance with the process.   

There are many cinemas which highlight the emotional changeover required to adapt to the destination, subjecting oneself to the pertinent unwritten tenets to flourish over there. 

Discussing about migration and not recalling the corona pandemic would be a dire injustice. Till then migration which was more of diplomatic subject took a turn of being a matter of public safety. With each nation playing safe and applying brakes to mobility of transit population from different parts of the world from having access to their territory. With no clear cut rules bereft of universal goals busted the myth that world was global as it was pictured by optimists.

More than mentioning international migration, the internal migration highlighted the discontinuities existed within the centralization when it comes to treating the migrants who felt directionless w.r.t. the establishment. Government which needs to appreciated for tackling global pandemic using technology to vaccinate population did not find it meritorious to use the same technology in facilitating the migrants who wanted to stay close to their dear ones during the testing times.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Pseudo-Migration (weaponisation of poverty)

 There are always two ways of perceiving things and that leads to a lot of commotion between you and your opponents leading to a showdown, each one grappled with their own version perceiving turn of events around them.

So is the logic behind a migratory. Migration is an important phenomena in nature. Basically the reason behind migration is in search of green pastures as also adapting and evolving along with evolving nature of which the migrator is the part and parcel of.

 But in the recent times migration has become more of a fashion statement by the affluent who consolidate with power circle and wish to stay close to the same needless to say that they least care of the race, sex and nationality to be seen as a limiting agents. But the other side of the story is about the individuals who are compelled to migrate for political, economical and ecological reasons, less welcome when compared to their affluent counterparts.

And then comes the pseudo migrants who are less migrants and more of fishing worms. To mention few are the people who had to fled ukraine after a war attack by Russia and so are Palestinians bombed by Israel. A bird  view may look simple and treat these people as victims of political confrontation  but it is more of a platform for executing pull the rug from under feet warfare.


Engineered Migration is the next big apocalypse the humanity is going to face after the world wars where the poverty is weaponized to destabilize the authority of civilization that pronounce bottom to top approach when it comes to wielding the power.


Sunday 4 August 2024

Practice makes man better

I think most of my friends in their 35s would have been going through the same emotions of seeing their parents age artistically. Ageing is inevitable and it is the law of nature which every life form has to conform to.


As our parents age so comes the health complications attached with it which requires us to accompany them to regular medical checkups to monitor their metabolism and take necessary medications to stabilize the abnormalities.

So was the necessity wherein I had to accompany my mom for a consultation to nearby hospital and the doctor had advised for certain blood tests for diagnosis. What made me to write on this is that the craftsmanship of the technician (a lady) in the lab who seamlessly collected the blood sample from my mother which otherwise was a herculean task to a newbie best understood by the any of my friends over here who would accompany their parents.


Difficulty is a quite relative phenomenon. A task which is difficult to someone doesn't remains to be so to another. It all depends on our approach towards the challenge. Time has that ability to cook the person who doesn't settle for nothing but believing that he can and backs it with his action.