Saturday 10 August 2024

Pseudo-Migration (weaponisation of poverty)

 There are always two ways of perceiving things and that leads to a lot of commotion between you and your opponents leading to a showdown, each one grappled with their own version perceiving turn of events around them.

So is the logic behind a migratory. Migration is an important phenomena in nature. Basically the reason behind migration is in search of green pastures as also adapting and evolving along with evolving nature of which the migrator is the part and parcel of.

 But in the recent times migration has become more of a fashion statement by the affluent who consolidate with power circle and wish to stay close to the same needless to say that they least care of the race, sex and nationality to be seen as a limiting agents. But the other side of the story is about the individuals who are compelled to migrate for political, economical and ecological reasons, less welcome when compared to their affluent counterparts.

And then comes the pseudo migrants who are less migrants and more of fishing worms. To mention few are the people who had to fled ukraine after a war attack by Russia and so are Palestinians bombed by Israel. A bird  view may look simple and treat these people as victims of political confrontation  but it is more of a platform for executing pull the rug from under feet warfare.


Engineered Migration is the next big apocalypse the humanity is going to face after the world wars where the poverty is weaponized to destabilize the authority of civilization that pronounce bottom to top approach when it comes to wielding the power.


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