Friday, 21 February 2025

Bridging the gap

Today I got a whats-app forward which mentioned that books acts as a tool to bridge the gap between knowledge and ignorance. Yes! Indeed bridging the gap is most vital for sustenance of society from total collapse. Every act of ill-will widens the gap and every act of good-will counters the ill-will to bridge the gap created by the latter.

As stated earlier, books acts as a tool of bridging the gap, and the most popular trending book in the Indian context is its Constitution and its associated Preamble. So what gap our Preamble is actually trying to bridge that it took the entire ill-will ecosystem to plot against the same. 

The answer is though simple but not as simple as being mentioned. Our Constitution is trying to bridge the gap between oppressed and oppression free mankind. I know that most of my friends might not understand what oppression really look like and how epidemic it is in real sense as we are lucky to have traveled through that phase wherein society was really in two minds in arriving at a conclusion whether oppression can really make it beyond the modern philosophy which the well versed individuals of the society were experimenting with.

We are really lucky that we weren't indeed forced to give-in to the evil side of the society. As I keep mentioning in my previous posts we are ever indebted to our forefathers who put their heart and soul to make us feel a lucky generation. And the best way to honor our forefathers lies in not making our next generation to feel as lucky as we were but we can really put our heart and soul to prevent them from feeling that they are forced to pass through the unluckiest phase because of indifference of our generation.

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