Saturday 11 May 2024

My first selfie

To be frank I don't exactly remember about my first selfie, but the topic was something catchy. We all have many firsts in our life. Your first birthday gift, your first crush, your first loss of dear ones and so on. And this first moment may not be celebrated by many people but is lifeline for certain people who live close to their heart.

 That first moment is in someway lay a foundation for your future based on how you intake it. The most influencing thing I mean the fact which over take our first crush is our first accident we meet during our driving. The reason why I am highlighting this is because the damage is real. It was an unplanned and has every possibility to cause loss of limb.  It may not be as terrifying as I am trying to make out but does have lasting influence on our style of driving.

The specialty of our first moment is the thrill of how we respond to the surprise we had never rehearsed about. It is something pertaining to true uniqueness, it is that part of life which teaches you your uniqueness. It helps you to get acquainted to your inner strength and inner weakness you are expected to work upon. And it is that aspect wherein your realize that you are treated uniquely by the life.

We may or may not treat our firsts specially but it will never leave you without stamping itself onto you highlighting its remarkable influence. Many people especially when they are made to injure someone with their firsts try to abscond of their guilt citing it to be their first and was done unintentionally claim impunity. But there are also group of people who don't learn from their first experience and repeat it habitually.


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