Sunday, 25 October 2020


 Sharpest thing in the world is your immediate action, reaction to an incidence. That sharpness can have myriad of consequences based on what you are actually up-to with your actions. A welcome change or unwelcome response.

We have no log book for the actions but a selfless action will be appreciated if not immediate but in some form or the other. A smooth curve of life is not a guaranteed scheme. A turbulence shall be in waiting for which we have to be ready.

A solemn behavior towards  an challenge that arises during course of turbulence shall create an atmosphere of fulfillment and spring in a surprise feeling of being able to handle the vagaries stupendously.

We should check in at the right moment so that support structure shall be able to handle our emotions in dignified manner. Letting our faith in others be allowed to take a complete control during emergencies shall be a guiding star.