Monday 23 December 2019

From running race to boxing game

The world of sports is amazing. I haven't been good at any sports game nor followed any game so sincerely as some of my friends do. Yes, cricket did catch my imagination, I did spend some time watching them but not as a crazy fan.

Each game is unique and inspires specific aspect of the world. For example, in a running race, there is no physical contact between contestants and the winner is determined based on the amount of time he / she takes to finish the race. Next interesting sports is wrestling, here there is a physical contact between contestants and it is art of overpowering the opponent using tricks and strategy. Then we have boxing, the blood sport where in opponent is weakened through strategic punches.

In life we always expect competition among the human being to be like a running race wherein whoever finishes first due to his/her effort shall enjoy the benefits. Of course there are chances of influencing the runners indirectly to weaken them during the course of competition. But somehow we end up being in nature of competition wherein boxing gets into picture. A situation arises wherein one has to purportedly weaken other guy to claim benefits. One man's upward movement is linked to another man's downward movement.

Is this a fair way to compete? I always believe that we have every right to move ahead but do not have right to stop others by becoming an obstacle to their progress. If someone feels that his / her goodness lies in others badness, he / she is definitely complicating their life unnecessarily. 

Monday 25 November 2019

Distant yet achievable dream

A new child is born and the family is happy. The hospital charges have been covered under the universal healthcare scheme. Government official visits the hospital and issues the birth certificate. Government opens a bank account and deposits a lump-sum amount in the name of baby so that parents/ guardian can buy  good nutritious food, medicines and for other vital needs till the baby transforms into a valuable citizen and starts earning for themselves. 

Kid attains the age of 4 years and receives joining letter to join the allotted school from the education department. Yes, parents need not pay for education. Kid studies and graduates with passing colors. He/She registers in the employment bureau and receives a call letter for a job. He/She passes the interview and receives appointment letter. He/She is covered under dignity of labor scheme to protect him/her from unforeseen aggression of the company. A portion of his/her salary is deducted towards universal health care scheme, children development fund, education fund and old age pension scheme.  

He/She earns for food, clothing and shelter and saves some amount for the clothing and other needs of their kids. They also take care of old age parents using old age pension scheme.

The above is typical lifestyle of a salaried class person, of-course it can also include small and medium scale business men too.

Does this mean all schools and hospitals need to be nationalized? Absolutely not. Government can choose the good performing private schools and hospitals with reasonable cost of operation and fund their operation cost so that the management can pass over the benefits to their consumers. 

Let the people who can afford for private education and healthcare do it so at their own risk. But affordable education and healthcare for every strata of society should be basic right of the every citizen.

The day when the quality of output from these public funded service related sectors exceeds to that of privately managed ones, we can surely feel proud of ourselves as a nation. Till then, we can feel happy to have won cricket world cups, number of Indian CEOs working for American MNC's, multi-crore collection w.r.t. cinemas from the favorite actor/ actress.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Monkey judge - state of affairs

Two cats were walking through a road and found a piece of bread. Two cats fought with each other to claim ownership over the piece of bread. They found a monkey walking on the same road and requested it to become their judge to decide on who should have the piece of bread. One cat claimed that it saw the bread first and hence it should have the whole bread, second cat claimed that it saw the bread first and hence it wanted the whole share.

After a while, cats decided that they would share the piece of bread and requested monkey to divide the same for them. Monkey readily agreed and broke the bread into unequal pieces. He convinced the cats that he should take a bite of the larger piece to make the share equal. After the bite, the other piece looked bigger and monkey again took a bite of the larger of the two. Monkey continued to fool the unsuspecting cats to eat the whole bread and escaped from the scene.

A judgment given always exhibits the intention of the person and his/ her thought process. A good judgment will always act as a lifeline solution to future problems, if not the solution it will surely be a guide to the solution. Such is the power of a good judgment that it will withstand the scrutiny of the future till the eternity.

If discussing on a latest scenario, judges of the Supreme Court declared that 2010 judgement of Allahabad court was wrong in the year 2019. Similarly the same judgment of Supreme court can become void in the future if it were not based on proper logic.

I am no judicial expert but as I understand the judgment from the newspapers, the only reason given for handing over the land to the central government is based on ASI finding of some unidentified structures beneath mosque which made court to assume that a temple was destroyed to build a mosque.

 A tiller owns the land, but the recent decision of supreme court has given a new dimension of deciding on the ownership of the land. Its time to bury something in your land so that you can claim ownership over the land after few decades by roping in ASI department without need to register the property and execution of any sale deeds. At the same time make sure to get the property surveyed from ASI for any past residues, presence of which can annul your ownership altogether.

Every organization holds some amount of value owing to the positive contributions during its period of operation, one small negative contribution will not displace the organization. Its called the leverage. But when the same leverage is continuously abused organization will collapse. That's a subtle warning.

Thursday 24 October 2019


Hi Friends,

Today I am going to share some information about ONLINE TURBIDITY Meter integrated by me. 

Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to smoke in air. The measurement of turbidity is a key test of water quality

Turbidity meter measures the quality of solution measured in NTU which stands for  Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. A clean solution will have 0 NTU whereas a contaminated solution will have greater than Zero value proportional to amount of contamination.

A block diagram of Online turbidity meter is as below:

As seen from the diagram, PIC Micro-controller measures the turbidity sensor value using the inbuilt A/D converter and displays the same on the OLED in NTU units. The same value is transmitted to Google spreadsheet using ESP-8266 01 wifi module which makes the project a variant of IOT application.

The demo of the project is as given in the below video. 

This is basically a proof of  concept. The same can be developed into full fledged device for a cost of as low as Rs.4,000/-. Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for a similar device so that I can arrange one for you. 

Acknowledgement to sources which helped me develop the project:

Thursday 17 October 2019

Group act....

Art of getting into group is something special which is not only practiced by human beings but also by birds and animals in the nature. We get together on various occasions- it might be birthday function, school cultural function, college induction function, office joining function, marriage function etc,.

It is not an easy task to assemble people together and make necessary arrangement for the invitees resulting in success of the event. Whichever functions I mentioned before are joyous moments and there is no reason for people not to join the same unless they have other commitments or complain about the organizer.

But there are certain get together which tests the character of the people. A local rowdy element with political backing harassing the people for money and doing illegal business. A person decides to protest against the rowdy and requests the backing of the other like minded people. Now the repercussions of such a protest can be anything as it is surely going to create a discord between rowdy and the protestors. If you don't protest you are surely going to be identified as supporter of acts of rowdy. Though risky it will create a kind of self confidence of treading the right path despite the opposition.

Next comes getting together for wrong deeds, a group formed specifically for committing organized crimes like chain snatching, robbery, murders and rapes. They don't practice remorse and only believe in hunting the weak.

Last but not least we get together in the name of caste, religion and language giving life to concept of majority and minority. This group is the most vicious type among all the fore said groupings. Because it directly attacks your freedom to select and deliver. A majority group thinks that it has every right to influence and take decision on behalf of the minority group. Any protesting voice will stifled with its archaic laws. For them maintaining a fake decorum means more than actual problem to be solved. They feel proud of every tom dick and harry who list out vague accomplishments of majority. They defend the undefended and give impetus to forceful implementations. 

Breaking the influence of all the wrong groups is possible but influence of the group which feels proud of being a majority is definitely worrisome. Getting into sides just because they are majority, powerful or intimidating is not at all appreciated. Follow the path of good principles, by giving importance to principles we will definitely land up being in the vicinity of good individuals.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

150 years of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - 2

As soon as you are born you are categorized. You are categorized as either black or white, next categorization will be as boy or girl, then categorized as high caste or low caste, further categorization of this religion or that religion, next classification as rich or poor, also you are classified based on your education level etc. This list can go on endless. As and when human finds a difference he categorizes and labels them.  

 As the net of information technology spreads wider new categories are created and new lists are defined. I was just wondering what were these classifications achieving in practical world. First and foremost these lists find the way into admission of kid into a school. The correspondent has a checklist and ticks the same to decide the child he intakes. Next application of this classification would be while securing a job in a company, classification is also used while selecting a bride or bridegroom. So the application of classification is extended throughout the society.

This segregation of person in the society acts as an indicator in deciding how he/she should be routed within the society. But this entire process is hijacked by the narrow minded people who self appoint themselves towards task of protecting the particular category of the people. For example there are women welfare organization to protect the rights of women. child welfare organization to protect the rights to children, language welfare organization, caste welfare organization, religion welfare organization and so on.

There is nothing wrong in a person being feminist but when the person begins to put the entire male bastion into the cage of guilt just noting the wrong doings of few then it is absurd. Similarly there is nothing wrong in vouching for your language or religion but when that turns out into an act of creating enemy character and trying to spread quality of hatred, it portrays poor picture.

Recently there is a clamor to appropriate particular land based on language or religion. Such disoriented forces should understand the ability of force in expanding reach of language or religion is very much limited. External people don't shortlist a person based on language or religion but based on their talent and humility. 

By reading the life styles of great people like Mahatma Gandhiji, it helps you get enlightened to the fact that you are tied with threads of classification by the society to limit your thinking ability. Once you realize this fact, you can untie yourself and feel essence of being HUMANS OF THE UNIVERSE who can think beyond the boundaries of sex, caste, creed, religion to understand that it is only language of LOVE that can upgrade us during our lifetime.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

150 years of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Heated conversation between two people, each one listing the complaints against each other. None of the two knows why are they acting like they are and not sure what is their ultimate conclusive act. Situation is just getting OUT OF CONTROL. 

Believe me, there are cent percent chances of we getting ourselves in above situation wherein we would be arguing with the opposite just to satisfy our ego and there is no big outcome to be proud of. Just few days later we  try to recollect the incident and we feel absolutely fooled by situational emotion. There is also chance that you don't accept this and be happy with your ego.

There is no big loss with this kind of emotional bankruptcy until it is within limits. That is there is no problem while you are walking and you fall down due to loss of control but there is considerable damage you driving a bike at 60kmps and fall down due to loss of control.

The big question arises on how to prevent this loss of control in our life. Many will argue that it is an experience which you cannot prevent. Accepted. There might be less chances of preventing the mishap but proper use of safety equipment shall minimize the impact of such mishap. So what is exactly that safety equipment. 

Safety equipment is nothing but our belief in truth, non-violence and immunity to negative emotions.

Having mentioned about non-violence, no one has practically demonstrated the benefits of non-violence to the world as been done by our beloved Mahatma Gandhiji. He lived for that, he died for that.

Some people like to argue that non-violence is coward's weapon. A simple analogy would be curing a patient suffering from pain due to unidentified disease. Doctor has two possible ways to cure the disease. One way is to operate the patient which might involve considerable amount of blood loss and damage to internal organs but immediate relief from the pain. There is no guarantee that pain shall not reappear. Second way is to be on a regular medication and following proper diet practice which shall cure the disease gradually and reduce the pain over the period of time.

Hence a non-violent person is much stronger than violent person who can endure pain for longer period just to make sure the situation gets cured properly.

And we are celebrating 150 years of Gandhiji and is a best occasion to recall his unmatched service towards the idea of bloodless force capable of gaining the attention of power drunk people towards the world of humanity and equality. The idea of non violent non co operation inspires many around the world and has instilled the belief that there is a big power which can traverse the boundaries touched by sticks, guns and bombs. You just need a backing of convincing ideology, you raise your fist and your voice. You are the ultimate power in the world which no one can ignore.

Celebrate 150 years of Gandhiji by sharing this post.

Sunday 22 September 2019

F= m X a !!!!!

Mother feeds the kid. But the taste of food is not so attractive to kid and kid refuses to eat. But mother knows that kid is unwell and hence has mixed some medicine in the food that has to be fed to the kid. Now the kid is not matured to understand the reason and mother has no other option but to force feed the food.
Force is such a strange natural phenomenon which plays a vital role in the happenings of the universe. Strange because it can be viewed in different ways in different circumstances. For example, there is a rubber band in your hand, to use it you need to apply appropriate amount of force. You cannot use the rubber band by applying less force and at the same time you will tear the the same by applying more force. 

Most of the problem in this world is due to mishandling of the force factor. A father thinks he can forcefully nullify the relationship between his daughter and his lover. But a bit of mishandling results in the daughter eloping with lover which makes the situation go beyond the control of the father. There can be many post-event analysis like father's good intention behind the act or father not able to make the daughter understand his situation etc. etc. But fact remains that factor of force and its mishandling resulting in undesired event.

Force appears good when we believe the person who exerts the same, but the same force appears bad when we find its roots from an non-meaningful person. It takes immense maturity to deal with the force factor.

Sunday 8 September 2019

oh my trending !!!

There are various types of government - monarchy, communists, democratic etc. Of all these governments democratic form of government is defined as people friendly. Again democracy is defined as Government of the people, by the people, for the people by Abraham Lincoln. For a predefined area one single person is chosen as a representative, collections of such representatives choose a leader and policies are defined under purview of such leadership.

Above paragraph looks so easy to understand but practically it is not. Why? 
Ultimate goal of any good government would be good governance. Good governance means apt representation of aspiration of a person irrespective of his/her caste, creed , religion or economic status for collective development. If you observe keenly in practice it is not so.

For example, a village writes to government for good roads and drinking water. There are distant chances of its request being considered by the administration just by posting a letter or visiting the office of the in-charge. Ideally administration shouldn't be waiting for such letters. When it identifies people settlement it becomes the duty of the government to provide necessary facilities. But in practice it requires considerable use of the term called "influence". It may be through a caste head or a political leader. So a citizen is forced to give in to pressures of so called mass leader for availing facilities.

 So wherein the world democracy being upheld, it is monarchy of different form wherein you are forced to part with your liberties in return for facilities from government.

An ideal way would be government giving due considerations to opinion / requests of the citizen who are willing to communicate with it through letters and memorandums with apt reply for the same.

To counter this indirect blackmailing from the powerful, citizens found unique way of organizing themselves in the form of associations and organizations wherein organizations expressed their opinions through demonstrations and protests to feel empowered in questioning their own created powerful entity.

But by latest these organizations and associations have been hijacked by face-book pages and whats app groups who completely misguide the masses on the basic reason / idea behind organizing themselves in the form of associations and organizations which is nothing but availing facilities from the powerful in the dignified manner.

The epitome of this madness is the politics of trending to showcase their opinion. But sad part of the story is the objectives these trending have achieved. Society would have benefited if there was trending seeking good health schemes or good housing schemes or good employment schemes which showcased the maturity of trend maker.  

Friday 23 August 2019

Not on a same page

An XYZ argument. A is for, B is against and C has all the fun. Before the advent of social media platform there was hierarchy or a kind of system wherein a chosen argument or point view would get wide circulation in the form of newspaper, radio or TV. Before putting a point of view, people would think twice and try to understand the bigger picture and then react as deemed fit for a collective evolution. There was no way of peeping into other's point of view in anonymity.

With advent of social media and video / message sharing platform even a cow playing football becomes a viral instantly. Its advent of instant reaction. No time to think on pros and cons of an aspect. And this instant reactions gaining viral status is the sad state of matter which attacks the conscience of human thinking ability.

Why is that instant reactions so absurd? Imagine you are visiting a hotel and order a food. The process would be you visiting the hotel, requesting for a menu card or listening to menu from waiter and then deciding on the food you wish to savor. This goes as an order to hotel. This being the normality. But what if there is an instant reaction? You see a beautiful offer of special recipe on the bulletin board of hotel and order for the same from the waiter. You actually missed that special recipe was for only a particular duration of the day. Waiter tries to convince you about it and you are in no mood to listen to the response due to instant reaction syndrome. Resulting in unruly argument. 
Viral factor is that same kind of argument heard by other customers and unruly scenes becoming the order of the day. Ultimate result will be either hotel extending the recipe for entire day or altogether cancelling the recipe from the menu that was prepared to delight the customers. 

These instant reactors form a brigade and involve in trolling people who are not in tune to their short sighted propaganda. But at the end of the day they have to accept the fact that instant reactions is not equivalent to quick decisions and being not on the same page is no big sin.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Science for the needy

Science and technology has become an inseparable part of this world and its advancement is benefiting many through out. You can visit any place on this earth without fear. Just browse on an internet search engine,select a travel counselor and book the tickets for you. Transactions are online. Communications are instant. The world is digital.

Countries are investing heavily in space missions, in missile technology, in electronic warfare and so on. These investments raises an important question regarding priorities. 

When an smart wearable detects the uneven heart beat in person and warns the user of the same. That individual visits the hospital and doctor informs that he was indeed saved from a possible heart attack due to his timely visit to the hospital. This brings a kind of happiness and smile on the face of person thanking the technology for the saving him from a devastation.

A new missile is tested with higher range of attacking capabilities. Yes, there is an advancement but how does this affect a common man. How many smiles will it result in the world? Yet there is no reduction in investing in the sector.
There is a need for setting right our priorities on which sector needs more investment that can save or improvise millions of lives.

Recently around 100 children died of Encephalitis in Bihar. This was not the first time there were similar deaths previously too. A timely investment for establishing a possible solution would have prevented the re-occurence of the deaths. Hundred valuable smiles lost. It would be appreciated if people in power make the science & technology serve such hapless people.

Our technological advancement should bring smiles among commoners rather than using to settle scores and be seen as a race of proud-ism to win.