Tuesday 1 October 2019

150 years of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Heated conversation between two people, each one listing the complaints against each other. None of the two knows why are they acting like they are and not sure what is their ultimate conclusive act. Situation is just getting OUT OF CONTROL. 

Believe me, there are cent percent chances of we getting ourselves in above situation wherein we would be arguing with the opposite just to satisfy our ego and there is no big outcome to be proud of. Just few days later we  try to recollect the incident and we feel absolutely fooled by situational emotion. There is also chance that you don't accept this and be happy with your ego.

There is no big loss with this kind of emotional bankruptcy until it is within limits. That is there is no problem while you are walking and you fall down due to loss of control but there is considerable damage you driving a bike at 60kmps and fall down due to loss of control.

The big question arises on how to prevent this loss of control in our life. Many will argue that it is an experience which you cannot prevent. Accepted. There might be less chances of preventing the mishap but proper use of safety equipment shall minimize the impact of such mishap. So what is exactly that safety equipment. 

Safety equipment is nothing but our belief in truth, non-violence and immunity to negative emotions.

Having mentioned about non-violence, no one has practically demonstrated the benefits of non-violence to the world as been done by our beloved Mahatma Gandhiji. He lived for that, he died for that.

Some people like to argue that non-violence is coward's weapon. A simple analogy would be curing a patient suffering from pain due to unidentified disease. Doctor has two possible ways to cure the disease. One way is to operate the patient which might involve considerable amount of blood loss and damage to internal organs but immediate relief from the pain. There is no guarantee that pain shall not reappear. Second way is to be on a regular medication and following proper diet practice which shall cure the disease gradually and reduce the pain over the period of time.

Hence a non-violent person is much stronger than violent person who can endure pain for longer period just to make sure the situation gets cured properly.

And we are celebrating 150 years of Gandhiji and is a best occasion to recall his unmatched service towards the idea of bloodless force capable of gaining the attention of power drunk people towards the world of humanity and equality. The idea of non violent non co operation inspires many around the world and has instilled the belief that there is a big power which can traverse the boundaries touched by sticks, guns and bombs. You just need a backing of convincing ideology, you raise your fist and your voice. You are the ultimate power in the world which no one can ignore.

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