Thursday 25 April 2024

Need for institutionalisation of digital sovereignity

Data sovereignty and technological sovereignty are the two pillars of digital sovereignty, which can be defined as the degree of control an organization has over its entire digital environment, including data, applications, software, systems, and hardware. Which is aligned to the WEF definition “the ability to have control over your own digital destiny – the data, hardware and software that you rely on and create.”

 A closer examination reveals that cybersecurity is at the heart of data sovereignty and helps enhance technological sovereignty.

It’s important that organizations understand that digital sovereignty is not an “all or nothing” proposition. Digital sovereignty exists in varying degrees on a scale which is constantly in flux.

Governments and organizations advocating for digital sovereignty need to adopt a risk-based approach. They must carefully assess their level of control over data and technology, and take great care to ensure that sovereignty does not come at the cost of agility — a key factor to thriving in the Digital Age.


But instead of institutionalizing digital sovereignty governments across the world are busy institutionalizing artificial intelligence which needs wider ratification from all stakeholders instead becoming a trend amongst wealthy and mighty.

Thursday 18 April 2024

We all love experiments

If you are a generation who have crossed college life, you should have come across idea of laboratory and experiments. Laboratory and experiments connects us with the practical visualization of theoretical learning. Visualization of theoretical knowledge adds more eagerness to our learning.



Experiments are all around us and is not limited to academic field. There is experimentation in the field of life science, in business, in agriculture and not the last but in politics too. One of the most basic requirement of putting our hands in experimentation is that we should be well prepared with the unexpected outcomes, be it progressive or regressive.

And Indian diaspora is on verge of undergoing a vital experiment and this time they want to give a chance to a psychopathic leadership. Not sure under what compulsion they have stuck themselves to become a partner in crime. Be sure that India has seen many psychopaths since the dawn of its civilized settlement and have over ridden them safeguarding their faith from getting polluted by the psychopathic thought process.

 On one side I am dumb struck with the risk they have involved themselves to sway against the tide of synchronized and to prove the universe wrong. On the other side I can only wish them best of luck in their endeavor and pray that they never stop future experimenting on a regressive outcome of the present one. 

Happy experimenting.


Wednesday 17 April 2024

When life gives you lemon....

I had my primary and high schooling at a christian missionary school. And much of my English knowledge I owe this to my school. It was a cosmopolitan experience. I enjoyed each and every moment, those teachers and friends were just enriching experience. There was never a dull scenario.

The specialty of my schooling was I never felt that I was schooled. There was never a need wherein my parents had to have personal talk to the teachers regarding my studies or conduct in the classroom. And ten years just passed like a bullet train journey with a sense of comfort.

You might be wondering what was the need to relive the school days. My take about the aspect is that we are all made to rerun. I mean we are made to believe that we living at someone's mercy. The air we breathe, the sunlight we receive, the rain that fills our ponds and the memories that enrich our hearts. We are expected to infer that we are indeed living each and every milli-second stealing life out of our living. And that is a worst form of making a living worse than that of a beggar who owes nothing to anyone.

Without going into details of who was responsible to drive us into such a situation, our focus should be how to insulate our future generation from getting entrapped. I don't mean that we should hide the reality from them but hide them from reality.

Monday 15 April 2024

Save the Mist

 Its summer at its peak and literally venturing out in mid-noon on empty roads is like get fried on a heated pan. Usually this type of roasting was expected to be offset by shallow rain but even that is missing during this summer.

 A dry spell often seen as evaporated weather gets compared with state of difficulty and displeasure. A drizzle resulting in conversion of dryness to wetness brings a sense of satisfaction and invokes patience rekindling hope of sublime emotions.

Dryness and wetness not only related to external weather but also internal sustenance. As and when we move away from kindness and humanity you can expect a dry spell with the hearts literally punishing it for your vague thoughts. Problem with internal dryness when compared to external dryness is that there is no need to convince anyone for forgone external dryness as it is quite natural wherein it becomes duty of nature to bring in the wetness to quench the thirst of the dried.


But internal dryness is heavily engulfed by the thoughts which acted as convincing particulars to embrace and feel internally dried. And to bring back that wetness into the hearts is mountainous task. Its our duty to fight the dryness and save that mist within the heart irrespective of who and how many stand against it.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Work under supervision

When you try to differentiate between process followed by well established companies that believe in self governance and those lala companies that believe in micromanagement. You can sense the difference based on the mentality developed by the workers serving in the respective types.

The organization that believe in self governance don't spend much of the time on supervising the employees and believes in liberal environment wherein the employees are self sustained towards contributing to the goal of the organization. Real problem that arises is when a person used to lala type of company gets a chance to be a part of self governed company.

 That's exactly what is happening in the country, citizens who mostly consisted of labor class were used to lala type of governance who instead of adhering to constitutional liberty feared mostly of application of force by the police department bred within them since British era. 

Scenario has changed world wide with progress of nations that believed in self rule for citizens and hence their governments who are mere voice of the esteemed citizens rather than acting as lordships.

A community that mostly budges to constitution fearing the repercussions it may need to face by the law enforcement agencies rather than understanding its marvel. Once any learnt identifies this weakness, the very reason empowers him to use force as tool of administration. The people who are believers of self rule sees this as the authoritarian rule whereas the problem lies in its citizens who feel treatment meted out to them justified.

Saturday 13 April 2024

The digital forensics - Pegasus spyware

Digital forensics, often known as computer forensics, is the art of gathering, analyzing, and archiving electronic data so that it can be used as evidence in court. It entails using specialized techniques and equipment to investigate digital devices for evidence, such as laptops, smartphones, and other electronic storage devices.

You might have crossed the days wherein Pegasus spyware was reportedly found to have intruded onto the smart phones of influential activists to track there activities against the authoritarian governments. 

NSO Group claims that its Pegasus spyware is only used to “investigate terrorism and crime”  and “leaves no traces whatsoever”. A Forensic Methodology Report shows that neither of these statements are true. This report accompanies the release of the Pegasus Project, a collaborative investigation that involves more than 80 journalists from 17 media organizations in 10 countries coordinated by Forbidden Stories with technical support of Amnesty International’s Security Lab.

Amnesty has hosted the main aspects of research on its webpage with link 

It has mentioned key features of its research on Pegasus spyware under the headings a below:

1. Discovering Pegasus network injection attacks

2. Pegasus’ BridgeHead and other malicious processes appear

3. Pegasus processes following potential Apple Photos exploitation

4. An iMessage zero-click 0day used widely in 2019

5. Apple Music leveraged to deliver Pegasus in 2020

6. Megalodon: iMessage zero-click 0-days return in 2021

7. Incomplete attempts to hide evidence of compromise

8. Pegasus processes disguised as iOS system services

9. Unravelling the Pegasus attack infrastructure over the years

10. Mobile devices, security and auditability

11. With our Methodology, we release our tools and indicators





Friday 12 April 2024

I am busy stitching my uniform

Last time I remember wherein my opinion was welcomed was regarding selection of tiles to a new house built by my younger brother. Apart from that most of my opinion be it regarding work culture, financial investment or educational training was mostly on a contradictory path when compared to general perception regarding the subject matter.


An opinion is a opinion, be it implemented or not by the responsible heads. You have to accept the fact this society is not based on meritorious opinion but hinged onto motorized mobility. If a scam is able to travel faster than the logic, rest be assured scam has the upper hand.

It will be an up-skilling effort to find basis of factors that decide the velocity of mobility but not worth the time as dynamics are far flung. Fakery is throttled, plagiarism is mainstreamed, pilferage is stabilized. Is it the end of game for those who escaped onslaught of muggers?


Mahatma Gandhi said that in matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place. There is no one to stand behind you if you wish to stand behind the conscience. But peculiarity is there is no one to force you to stand behind the conscience as you are surrounded by the flag bearers of majority cause.

Thursday 11 April 2024

We were always a wicked

 I would always be wrong to say that we are embracing wickedness out of blue or our surrounding has gone delusion-ed when compared to yesterday. Deceit, deranged, dichotomous, you mention any cringe word from dictionary and you can find it in our connections. 


But none of this had a bearing on our perception w.r.t. recreational understanding. There was an unwritten understanding between the two extremities to not to cross each others path. And thus our younger generation were insulated from the parched thoughts to help them design their own future based on principles of universal brotherhood.

As there was consensus being formed amongst adamant fundamentalists on keeping the future away from the self centrist mentality, a personality that believes in dismembering consensus has made a headway to un-groom the holistic approach being infused within the senses of the projected.


Does this mean our strides in purported acceptance of mentored future gone awry? The answer doesn't lie in a straight forward  dynamism, but we can be assured that there has been a damage to credible holistic view. It is time to ascertain who were influenced by the polity based on integrity and who just coerced themselves citing crowd mania.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Abhivyakti kho jayo sarkari suvidhayen lo

 "yes gentlemen!! Were you able to unlock the password? You know its the top most priority. We have orders from the highest level and has to be done right now." This would be regular life of the investigative agencies. Locking and unlocking, blocking and unblocking, arresting and releasing. Investigating officials follow one of the puppetry execution of the duty without any room for expressing their personal point of view regarding the subject. They have to remember what their higher ups are interested in and forget what their higher ups are disinterested about.

 Membership mania is real. Wonder why when we are included as part of an organization and subsequent membership requires us to submit our uniqueness replacing it with so called motto of the organization. You may argue that our very own decision of subscribing to the membership is willingness to accept the motto of the organization.

But is it really a choice that we have, in deciding rationality behind subscribing to the motto? We are living in era wherein a simply residential certificate from local Councillor or Ward member is perceived as our concurrence to their party motto. 

 Service is governed by rules of service seekers satisfaction and hence government services are governed by citizen's satisfaction rather than peeking into the citizen profiling and hence varying the degree of service based on the profiled data.

Monday 8 April 2024

ಒಂದು ಜನಾಂಗ ಒಂದು ಕನಸು

 ಕನಸು ನನಸು ಮಾಡುವುಧು ಒಂದು ಕಲೆ. ಕನಸು ನಮ್ಮ  ಅಂತಾರಾಳಧಾ ಪ್ರತಿಬಿಂಬವಾಗಿಧೆ. ಅವರವರ ಅನುಭವ, ಮನಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಡಿಗಿಟ್ಟಿರುವ ಭವಿಷ್ಯತೀನ ಎಧುರುನೋಟ ಇವೆಲ್ಲಧರ ಒಂದು ಭಾಗವೇ ಕನಸ್ಸು. ಕನಸ್ಸಿಗು ಮನಸಿಗೂ ಒಂದು ಅವಿಭಾಜ್ಯ ಬಂಧನವು ಇರುತ್ತದೇ. 

ಕನಸು ವಿವಿಧ ರೀತಿಯ ಅನುಭವು ನೀಡುತದೇ, ಆ ಅನುಭವು ಸಿಹಿಯಾಗಿಯೂ ಇರಭವುಧು ಕಹಿಯನ್ನು ಉಂಟು ಮಾಡಬಾವುಧು. ಯಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಜೀವನಧಲ್ಲಿ ನಾವು ಮಾನವರಾಗಿ ಉಳಿಧಿರುವುಧು ಈ ಒಂದು ಕನಸನಿಂಧಗಿಯೇ. ಆಧ್ರೆ ಇಂಧಿನ ಕೃತಕವಾಗಿ ಯೋಚಿಸುವ ನಾಯಕರು ನಿಮ್ಮ  ನಯ್ಸರ್ಗಿಕವಧ ಕನಸನ್ನು ಮೆಟ್ಟಿನಿಂತು ಅಧರ ಭಧಲು ಒಳ ಸಂಚಿನಿಂಧ ಕೂಡಿರುವ ತಮ್ಮ ಕೃತಕ ಆಧಾರಿತ ಕನಸನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇರುವ ಧುಶ್ಚಟಕ್ಕೆ ತಮ್ಮನ್ನು ತೊಡಗಿಸಿಕೊಂಡಿಧಾರೆ.

ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ ನೀಡಿರುವ ಕನಸು ಕಾಣುವ ಅಭಿವ್ಯಕ್ತ ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯವು ಹಲ್ಲೆಗೆ ಒಳ್ಳಪಟ್ಟಿದೇ. ಒಂದು ದೇಶ ಒಂದು ಧಾರ್ಮ, ಒಂದು ದೇಶ ಒಂದು ಪಂಗಡ, ಒಂದು ದೇಶ ಒಂದು ಭಾಷೆ ಅನ್ನುವ ಸಾಲಿನಲ್ಲಿ, ಒಂದು ಜನಾಂಗ ಒಂದು ಕನಸ್ಸು ಅನ್ನುವ ಹಾಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಸಾರ್ಯತ್ವ ಸಾಗಿಧೆ. ಮೇಲ್ನೋಟಕ್ಕೆ ಇದು ನಮ್ಮ ಒಗ್ಗಟ್ಟನ್ನು ಸಾರಿದರು ನಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರತ್ಯಕಥನ್ನು ಪ್ರೀತುಸುವ ಪ್ರಪಂಚ ನೀತಿಯ ವಿರೋಧವಾಗಿ ರೂಪಿಸುವ ತಂತ್ರಗಾರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸುತದೇ. 

ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕನ್ನಸ್ಸು ಕಾಣುವ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕತೆಯನ್ನು ತ್ಯಾಗ ಮಾಡುವ ಚಿಂತನೆ ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ರೂಪಗೊಂಡಿರಬಾಹುಧು ಆಧರೇ ಈ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕಥೆಯ ನಿಜವಾಧ ಹಕ್ಕುಧರರು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮುಂಧಿನ ಪೀಳಿಗಯೇ ಹೊರತು, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕರ್ತವ್ಯ   ಈ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಾಪಾಡಿಕೊಂಡು ಅಧನ್ನು ಮುಂಧಿನ ಪೀಳಿಗಯಗೆ ಹಸ್ತಾಂತರಿಸುವುಧು ಅಷ್ಟೇ ಸೂಕ್ತ.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Leaving behind an impression

Our local social system is basically driven by an assumption that we are privileged version of universe and rest of world can wait for us. This assumption or illusion is shared even by a just born baby to elder waiting to die the next second.


I am not going to debate whether this shared assumption is right or wrong as there is no use in realizing its pros and cons at the fag end of the evolutionary process. I am just at cross roads as to how it impacts collective conscience. I mean what do we think we are privileged about. Till yesterday I was under the impression that we were privileged to spread the message of humbleness, to use privilege to veto out the arrogance of power and so on.

We can really visualize the future wherein the assumption of being privileged are promulgated to fuel self pride, that is we have started to weaponize the assumption of privileged to pump up the adrenaline rush to feel proud of being privileged instead of pitching it to be a part of the consortium.


This gives raise to elementary problem of have we really understand roles and responsibility of being privileged which is not a sudden phenomenon but a result of a hereditary handover to safeguard the interests of the merchants of good.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Journey and milestone

 Its always hard to resist deviations but makes sure your journey never stops or in short you loose your right to decide the path of journey for sake of some probational milestones which doesn't allow you to appropriate the same as a part of your making in progress.


 I can dwell deeper and I will find no qualms in exposing the comfort zone however risky form it may take. You are made to involve beyond the boundaries set by the rules of game, and you are rightly passionate enough to engage with much fervour as you were made to believe that journey shall be rewarding without even wondering whether the said milestone is upgrading your fantasy or someone is going to shape what your journey is suppose to be or to even a extent that cut short the journey citing the non-availability of bandwidth.

We are hopeful of better days with a belief that our journey is going to be routed through the days of prosperity that might add new dimensions to the character of journey enabling us to prepare us for the challenges ahead to make sure our zeal for journey isn't confiscated.


This abstract idea of journey and milestone is quite localized and are recorded by fellow travelers in a abstract manner wherein you cannot pull up socks on your own without the involvement of fellow beings. An individual who has mastered art of appropriation will not hesitate to replace your milestones with that of his, replace his journey with that of yours tempting you of wider access to the space wherein he himself has been barred to pursue.


Wednesday 3 April 2024

Hackers are new age whistleblowers

What Is Whistleblowing?

The practice of revealing information to stop wrongdoing is called whistleblowing. A whistleblower reveals information about negligence, malpractice or illegal activity to a trusted source. It often occurs between a company and an employee, and whistleblowers can report information to their employer or choose to go public.

Can Whistleblowing Be Used for Good?

Whistleblowing poses risks to consumer data, but the company getting called out is usually already taking such risks. Whistleblowers who are careful about revealing information can do good. Multiple government agencies exist specifically to protect this info when this occurs, so a whistleblower can protect people’s privacy by going directly to them. Even if someone is doing this out of spite, companies engaging in illegal or unethical practices deserve to be held accountable.


Whistleblowing in cybersecurity?

The most important role of whistleblowers in cybersecurity is to hold companies accountable to security regulations. Data breach laws are becoming more common, but enforcing them in every instance can be challenging, with over 15 million records leaking in 2022 alone.

Whistleblowers may not be an official part of a company’s cybersecurity posture, but they serve an important purpose in the security industry as a whole.

Ideally, businesses will never have to deal with these cases, but that should come from a place of compliance, not discouraging whistleblowers themselves.

Organizations must take regulatory compliance more seriously as whistleblower protections rise. That trend can push more companies toward a higher security standard, reducing cybercrime’s impact on their business and customers.


Just how safe are whistleblowers under Indian law?

 In India, whistleblowers are protected by the Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2014. The law provides for the protection of their identity and also has strict norms to prevent their victimization. For instance, an organization cannot initiate proceedings against a whistleblower pending a probe into allegations. The same sections have been adopted in the Companies Act, which applies to listed companies, and are a part of the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s governance norms. All listed and public sector firms need to have a whistleblower policy that outlines procedures and recourses available to complainants.


Unfortunately there are no laws in India to specifically serve whistleblowers in cybersecurity domain I mean digital world.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

AI powered karsevak

Karsevaks are people who volunteer their services for free to a religious cause, the term being derived from the Sanskrit words 'kar' (hand) and 'sevak' (servant). Ayodhya-based karsevaks are a group who demanded the Ram temple in Ayodhya for over decades and struggled vehemently to achieve it. 


 A necklace on the humanoid changed colour from green to orange, and it shook its head before giving out the answer with informative details as other children curiously listened. This silk saree-draped humanoid is 'Iris', the first AI teacher unveiled in Kerala. A disturbed network connection and the chatter from the children often slowed down Iris as it tried to catch the noises, presuming them to be questions asked to 'her'. And when there were too many noises, Iris took time to process the question. But when the hall was silent and a student asked a question, either from their syllabus or anything under the sun, Iris gave out the answer in no time, with examples and references. 

You might be wondering what is the link between Karsevaks and AI humanoid teacher. I wondered what was stopping the AI humanoid from taking a form of a Karsevak, I mean a AI humanoid karsevak. Isn't it something debating aspect of confluence of scientific world and spiritual world?



When a simple stone idol can attain the status of god after a 'prana prathistapan', don't you think our ancient scriptures had the ability I mean art of converting a AI humanoid into a karsevak, if not a god by itself.

over decades and struggled vehemently to achieve it.

Read more at: and struggled vehemently to achieve it.

Karsevaks are people who volunteer their services for free to a religious cause, the term being derived from the Sanskrit words 'kar' (hand) and 'sevak' (servant). Ayodhya-based karsevaks are a group who demanded the Ram temple in Ayodhya for over d...

Read more at:
Karsevaks are people who volunteer their services for free to a religious cause, the term being derived from the Sanskrit words 'kar' (hand) and 'sevak' (servant). Ayodhya-based karsevaks are a group who demanded the Ram temple in Ayodhya for over d...

Read more at:
Karsevaks are people who volunteer their services for free to a religious cause, the term being derived from the Sanskrit words 'kar' (hand) and 'sevak' (servant). Ayodhya-based karsevaks are a group who demanded the Ram temple in Ayodhya for over d...

Read more at:

Saturday 30 March 2024

Art of being omnipresent

The most alluring aspect of being in the power is establishment of eternity. In short they want to conquer past, present and future. In other words, it is about being omnipresent in time domain i.e. past, present and future. 


 There is a saying that anything that can be imagined can be converted into reality. So, the questions on practicalities of being omnipresent in time domain are quite secondary. It is an art mastered by astute and out of bounds by the individuals who are out of sync with spiritual inner world.

Being omnipresent in time domain denotes the aspect of attaining eternity. The concept may be intriguing but nothing new to Indian culture where we have hundreds of gods being worshiped in different forms who are indeed those astute being a master w.r.t. the art of being omnipresent in time domain. 


Tamil superstar Rajni Kanth says that if we know the time of our death, our time of living will turn into hell. Being omnipresent in time domain doesn't necessarily mean we know happenings of past and future. Instead it is simply an attempt to make our present time be in sync with past and future without any discontinuities in between. 



Friday 22 March 2024

Democratic Extravaganza - 2024

Dear friends,

Congratulations to all, we all have collectively made it to the times wherein we have secured that valuable outlook w.r.t. our voting rights from being washed away in the din engineered by the ruling class. 

It was such a horrendous journey of picking best of the two evils and placing the restrictions within its own game. However challenging it might have turned out to be but everything is worth the effort.

I am not going to dive deep into the subject but the culmination of the factors lies in the way you chose in harnessing potential of your voting rights that can formulate the challenges and consequences thrown from the future.

I know that each one of you have a diversified view points in taking a stand on how your vote should be caste in a meaningful way. 

According to me the most dangerous thing that got a spotlight in these testing times is something called 'Whataboutery'. This is nothing but two parties competing with each other towards a negative direction. And this phenomena has to be contained as it feeds more of rabidity amongst the two competing bodies than being any part of useful productivity.

And finally, I would like to conclude that you are not voting to decide on the future of your children instead you are voting on behalf of the future of your children. 

Lets make this democratic extravaganza a memorable event to cherish.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Green space - the lung space

Being an odd place amidst hustle bustle filled city life are green parks. Parks may not be as spacious as the greenery filled wild forest but they add a different color on overall picture of the area which houses the same. 


One such park in my locality is the abbigere park sprawled over 2.5 lakh sq feet serves the purpose of inducing sense of pleasant feel to the morning walkers as well as to the green lovers. Moderately maintained by the BBMP is populated with plants and concrete seats welcoming the visitors with open arms.

People have to be appreciated for not spoiling ambience of the place by keeping it litter free. Visitors consists of all ages from kids to age old people who refresh themselves by admiring the lush greenery of the space. It does have child playing area but the equipment needs an overhaul.


I have been to the place many times with my friends and family members. But as everyone feels that greenery with water body adds more creativity to the place. I do sometimes feel a small lake or atleast a fountain body nearby the park could arouse a sense of mushiness.

Saturday 16 March 2024

I will tell who you are based on what you do with my data

Gone are the days when people used to judge you based on what you do with their money or property when they transfer the ownership owing to illness or some other kind of crisis. As everyone mention data is the new gold and so is its tranquility. Everyone is cautious before filling those online forms which needs to divulge their personal information as it may used as an instrument to harm you in future.

 We can never be sure about how a simple information such as our phone number and email ID shared with non-credible handler might end up becoming the base point for further detrimental activities. We are informed about phishing, KYC fraud and other forms of scams which doesn't require any need of your physical involvement but completely based on access to your sensitive data.  

Next question is where can your data be safe. You may have a password protected electronic locker to store your valuable in order to safeguard the same but question arises how to safeguard the password data which in turn safeguard your valuable. Isn't it true that a simple password data which safeguards your valuables is more valuable than the stored valuables itself? So is the case with your online bank account password and so on.


But we are still in a dilemma on how to safeguard our data. Theoretically best place would be in our memory which is accessible to only us away from the possibilities of being hacked. But practically it is close to impossible with current level scientific status quo. The very next option would be an electronic memory which again is incomplete without a password for the same too.



Saturday 9 March 2024

Binary language called Exile politics

Our society however progressive or diversified it may be, is still binary in nature when it comes to assigning power to govern itself. We may say that we are multiparty system but the fight is always between two dominant competitors in the game while the other regional parties has to align with the one of the two dominant factions.


In a forward thinking society this wouldn't be a problem, as this competition is quite healthy in conceptual as this is only during the election season. After the announcement of result organizations are back to business wherein the indifferences are handled in background while their leadership share a cordial relationship in foreground. That is basic etiquette of power balancing.

But the entire gamut turns sour wherein this basic etiquette is overridden, I mean the competition turns into enmity  to such an extent that the looser in forced to go into exile rather than being accommodated in the system as an useful opposition by the winner. Danger is imminent and its ticking.


What does it mean to us as a citizen who were guided into democracy by our forefathers to be precise our freedom fighters? We can claim immunity citing our responsibility of empowering the guardians of our culture as a way of honoring our great forefathers. But you should be well versed with the level of empowerment of bestowing ultimate powers.


Tuesday 5 March 2024

Deviyon aur Sajjano namaskar

Its my 100th post on my blog and I couldn't ask for something more. Though a lot can be written about my blog journey but less said is more. I would like to thank google for providing the platform for dissemination of my ideas through the virtual space. An interesting insight is that my post about Father of nation, Mahatma Gandhiji has garnered highest views amongst all the post till date. And there are some people trying to convince me that days of Gandhian is over.

 Apart from cherishing the track record, I want to share my point of view about latest buzz in fintech industry known as 'IOT sound box'. Yes, little piece of crap that you find in almost all kirana stores near you. I wonder why would someone like that his/her transaction between giver and taker should be broadcasted on a loud speaker. 

Interesting thing about sound box is that it is available on a monthly rent from fintech companies. Though it saves kirana store owner from hassles of scrolling the smart phone each time to verify payment but that should not be a point of contention to fall back w.r.t. sound box.



Its easy to figure out a problem but suggesting the alternative is not a child's play. Best alternative would a be paper/ digital audit trail, a technology used in EVM system. Some may argue that we receive receipts on payment through a app, but the primary point would be about acknowledging authority. I mean who is acknowledging your payments, it is definitely not from the receiver of the payments. You continue to be at the mercy of fintech platform providers. 

Sunday 3 March 2024

What bothers me ???

What would you say If I mentioned your preparedness bothers me. Being prepared is something erudite. There is no two ways about it. Some prepare for next exam, some for next interview and some for the next promotion. Art of being prepared differs with individual. I mean some prepare by working on their skills and talent through continuous practice but many prepare themselves by obstructing fellow person who wish to be prepared too.

Being prepared is something futuristic in time domain. Best thing about being futuristic is that future has not yet been conclusive and it is open ended. We prepare ourselves with some facilities for the next big moment and starve ourselves for that little bit of perfect moment. Its not only an aspect of survival skills but also a matter of pride.

Preparation indicate how far a particular individual has put himself in the shoes of the time relatively. But all the hell breaks out when ones preparedness comes in the way of others point of interest. Classic example is hoarding. Its good to save some supplies to survive the winter but something fishy when you start stacking for the next to next winter.


Why would someone hoard is a catchy issue basically a function of fear and disbelief. Fear drives people to start behaving selfish. In tamil there is a saying "eriyera neruppala pudungara varaikkum labam". It simply says we prepare ourselves on someone else destruction.

Friday 1 March 2024

Weaponization of diversity

God allowed us to group into different clans to push forward the concept of diversity. This makes it possible to dwell into multiple worlds which are as unique as every important chapter of a book. One missing page of book changes very purpose of the book as imagined by author (the creator).

 But what have we understood about it, the very special aspect of us that is to discriminate between the two sides of coin. If it were to be plainly explained in terms of book. One chapter would be in A4 size and another will be A3. One chapter background colour would be of saffron and another would be green. One chapter would be of 70 gsm and another would be 120 gsm.

Have we ever considered that what would be value of these variations if the contents of the book were simply hollow which fails to connect with the reader which is the actual purpose of the book as imagined by the author. Yeah, it is easy to accept we are basically tuned to view the variations rather than content. But the buck doesn't end there wherein we begin to fight for the variations rather the content.


We should feel blessed that our livelihood in full of diversified colour, whose very purpose to delight you rather than fight for upmanship to severe connectivity amongst them.

Saturday 24 February 2024

License to supremacy

Most of our well educated youths desire to shift to a well built up country as their dream destination. There may be many reasons including attractive re-numeration but one common reason is that their taxes are misused by the administration. And when you try to define what constitutes a well built up country, it goes without saying how powerful its passport is in the international scenario. A lot of factors are taken into account while concluding the effective status of its passport.

Passport is not like any other document  and thus it plays a major role in deciding how you are treated in international domain. It might be an abstract aspect when we speak about its relevancy as tool of gaining respect and its maintainability is surely as equal to country's national flag.

Menace of fake passport does play a vital role in affecting its outlook. Though it may look like a severe crime but what makes a person to fake a passport lies again in its power-fullness. Just as a steroid makes a fake athlete helps him feel artificially superior, people look at fake passport as a ticket to gain entry into so called powerful countries and get considered as a powerful part of setup to override their status of being illegal immigrants in the eyes of the law.

  As stated earlier youth desire to shift to powerful country. Their ultimate aim is to upgrade their passport from country of origin to country of dream destination. Classic case is that of actor Akshay kumar who ditched the Indian citizenship aka Indian passport for a Canadian passport. But after wide spread criticism he had to revert to Indian passport.

Saturday 17 February 2024

Number game

Vehicles, it may be two wheeler or four wheeler always become a part of the family as they play a vital role shifting its users from one place to another safely and secure. Many aspects are taken into account while buying the one from the manufacturers. Apart from its technical aspects lot of time is spent on its comfort and handling parameters which guides the owners in arriving at a selection.

Apart from its application point of view more often it turns out to be a status symbol and thus there are wide range of vehicles in the market catering to different segments in according to buying capacity of the customers. What is a car or a bike without a number plate? Though most of the buyers doesn't take much interest in it but there are few individuals who are very choosy about it.

Fancy number plate domain is very much a real when dealing with the number plates and so does the authority who provide the same. Most of the wealthy people take much care in selecting the fancy numbers are ready to part with that extra bucks for the number of their choice.


Apart from being a standing out of the crowd identity aspect, the other factor is numerology. When we talk about numerology people want their own lucky number to be present on the number plate which hey believe can have a more positive impact in their livelihood and with regard to standing out of the crowd it acts as a status symbol. 

FYKI deadline for compulsory HSRP name plate has been extended for 3 months by Karnataka government at the time of writing this blog.

Saturday 10 February 2024


 Color, color which color do you chose !!! We all would have played this game in our childhood. To be precise there is no restrictions to play it even in our adult age. Some brilliant minds have a theory that this universe in basically colorless and all this play of colors just happen in our mind.

 We have fraternized relationship with color. Not a single day passes in once lifetime where we have been able to de-recognize the factor of color. As much as color pleasures us there has also been incognito application of color in prepping of racial abuse.

One basic mode of appearance of color is how explicitly we use them in painting our household. That selective blend and its associated ambience create an non-plagiarized impact in displaying our inner-self, denoting our kind of connection with this world. Not to mention that an joyous event in our habitat is celebrated by painting our household with fresh colors.


As much as color plays a vital role in forwarding a particular perception, it also been vindicated is adding valor to several struggles of revolution around the world. That revolutionary struggle to rehash forgotten idea of humanity amongst our ruling class.

Saturday 3 February 2024

No shave November

 You got it right!!! You are about to review that pride of the man, his beard. It is a symbol of unmissable identity that man feels adult  once he develop a mustache and beard. Though most of the parents deny that luxury to their offspring but beyond that lies its style statement.

 Be it in cinemas or in real life scenarios, a man finds it to be attractive in nurturing their facial hair and hence believes he can look different in a group of people. Its not only limited to layman point of view but most of the intellectuals carry that belief system.

It do affect us the bystanders who were used to find a man in his beard that a clean shave has a different kind of impact on the outlook of that person in any given time. So what does it go behind the scene that makes a difference. Its very much an act of nature!! No one is more celebrated for its hair than a lion in the forest for its majestic hairdo.

 But why does it takes a flamboyant personality in influencing our gauge system. Its all wired since ages. In the process of budging to the appearance factor we are giving the stick to the beat. The problem doesn't lies in the self groomed but lies in the perceived.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Hold my perfume

I was taken aback when I was informed that global pandemic corona symptoms included loss of smelling sensation as most of time even before outbreak of corona I was more or less immune to the aroma of the environment around. But why would a disease result in loss of olfactory is a million dollar question for researchers to work upon.

 Smell is one such thing which couldn't be decoded by technology for otherwise like vision, speech and hearing characteristics that have been remotely carried due to its associated transducers converting them into a signal. Fragrance plays a vital role in our religious manifestation in the form of variety of incense sticks or that  sambrani dhoop which we believe can act as a deciding factor in revitalizing our mood.

Each one of us have own way of getting revitalize that we have been accustomed to. There are lot of brands available in the market that have monetized our crave for refreshment and hence its cost price. Its a bit of wonder how nature has given unique scent to the elements which helps us in concluding the mood of the situation.

I speak about the smell and not to mention about the clothes we wear will be an injustice. A just born baby has a unique connection to the smell of his mother and will be able to determine who its parent is based on the scent of her clothes. As fragrance makes a occasion pleasant and so we do react to the odor which more or less is also part of the developments. 

Friday 26 January 2024

My name is pillow

Hectic!!! Hectic!!! Hectic!!! One simple word that binds entire lifestyle of this generation. There is nothing wrong in this lifestyle as hectic powers us on busy mode which is an indicator of evolutionary development. But the pros end there, why would this hecticness poke its nose in our biological calls? In other word our human biology isn't made to withstand round the clock hecticness!!!


Our human biology craves for little bit of interval for its regenerative refreshment. For some it is that interval of playing a sport, involving in a trek, even a glass of drink adds to this list. But to top all this intervals is that diabolic break called sleep. That nap which hammers out all those pestering reality readily putting us on a tenterhook.

A sound sleep cannot be imagined without its bedfellow called pillow. Its just an elevation but still plays a vital role in determine how peaceful we slip into parallel universe at zero cost. Some need it to be soft, some hard and some warm or some cold. Each have their own customized version, with not everyone sharing its uniformity like our view point about this reality. We do think twice to take a nap in new place as we miss our sleeping partner called pillow.



But this pillow has incremental relationship with our day to day activities. We have used it to fight with our siblings, we even would have used it record our wetting memories or even to keep that safe distance as an act of disagreement. More importantly most of the kisses and hugs would have stolen by this mushy by day dreaming queens.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Fire crackers

 Its been a way to make your moment special that someone would ask you to "have a blast" literally. That spark, that takeoff and finally a glitter, its a virtual treat to our eyes. Fire crackers is that penchant thing that binds the practitioner and the viewer in one thread though the two are totally unconnected.

 Though lately, I have aged enough to handle the crackers with that childish vigor, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the next gen juniors from keeping in touch with excitement once they get a hold on fire bombs to feel as if they have mastered the art of burning a hole into the sky. 

Much said about the crackers and its associated excitement but they too have been under the scrutiny by the environment watchers. Study after study can be seen annulling our quality of letting guards down w.r.t. crackers, they can still be re-sequenced so that we need not be reproachable yet be involved in merry making.


Apart from its associated composition, chemical and procedure nothing can be a stifle that could make us ignore while it unfurls itself on the sky distributing color and glimmer to that wanting nature imbibed in us on a common mode. Nevertheless its use may be contested by scientific community but it will continue to rule our tasteful vision.