Saturday 18 December 2021

I am God, God is great

Copyright is with Mr.Upendra for his famous lines. It has been a fashion to name the new born with names of God is early ninties. It definitely been a way of owing our allegiance to the all mighty. And more the people near to the almighty more were they regarded as the ones higher in the stratification of the society.

There is absolutely no problem with that group who enjoy more push up from the society. Who might not enjoy for the respect and highlight which is received by birth without any additional effort. They are fed with golden spoon, exposed to best environment and given best options to proceed with their livelihood.

But harrowing time is for those who have options only to bow down linked to their birth. This stratification which is arranged in showing a particular segment to flutter attached to the strings of top level. They are expected to win along with suffering the downwards push.

 Linking the birth with specialized acceleration and deceleration is one of the most heinous drama unfolded in the name of God. If a wise man doesn't treat his mate with a paltry feeling how can almighty treat different groups with different gloves?