How about you being a representative of group which have their own way of life and follow their own set of rules that doesn't cross the lines of decency nor interfere in your own set of rules. Moreover they question you when ever you cross the lines of justice. Yes it is easy to tag the questioners as outlawed and kick them out.
If questioners are to be made outlawed then every kid would face the same situation as kids question what every new they are introduced to. They test your convincing skills and morality you preach them on a real time basis.
Fast forward to national level, it is a nasty idea to convince the masses to hate the people who lived with us and shared the grief and happiness yet maintained their own individuality that doesn't goes against commonly shared ethos.
Why the people in power hate the group who question the status quo. Because people who question make the mass think. When mass begin to think they in-turn began to raise more question that dispel superstitious belief and status quo that were based on unfounded reasons of fear, stigma and helplessness.