Saturday 16 March 2024

I will tell who you are based on what you do with my data

Gone are the days when people used to judge you based on what you do with their money or property when they transfer the ownership owing to illness or some other kind of crisis. As everyone mention data is the new gold and so is its tranquility. Everyone is cautious before filling those online forms which needs to divulge their personal information as it may used as an instrument to harm you in future.

 We can never be sure about how a simple information such as our phone number and email ID shared with non-credible handler might end up becoming the base point for further detrimental activities. We are informed about phishing, KYC fraud and other forms of scams which doesn't require any need of your physical involvement but completely based on access to your sensitive data.  

Next question is where can your data be safe. You may have a password protected electronic locker to store your valuable in order to safeguard the same but question arises how to safeguard the password data which in turn safeguard your valuable. Isn't it true that a simple password data which safeguards your valuables is more valuable than the stored valuables itself? So is the case with your online bank account password and so on.


But we are still in a dilemma on how to safeguard our data. Theoretically best place would be in our memory which is accessible to only us away from the possibilities of being hacked. But practically it is close to impossible with current level scientific status quo. The very next option would be an electronic memory which again is incomplete without a password for the same too.



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