It was all blaring at the traffic signal, unable to find a way to give space for ambulance the vehicles were continuously honking. An ambulance is making noise because it is not reaching the place wherein it is supposed to be saving someone's life. Similar analogy holds good for a fire engine, a police convoy and so on.
Most of the world's problem is because of one simple reason i.e. right people are at wrong place and wrong people are at very wrong places. In simple terms people who are supposed to be behind bars are outside and people who are supposed to be outside are behind the bars.
Without going into much details on why it is so or what are its roots about, we can put our efforts in firefighting the situation. I mean to say that the fire has engulfed the world and we cannot waste our time in discussing what led to the fire and who gains from the same. But the need of moment is to devote our time in putting out the fire and in parallel save the individuals who are stuck in furnace.
Having laxly response to the burning moment isn't going to help anyone as every effort matters and every moment counts in the eyes of the eternal. Every penny saved is a penny earned.
There is no two words when I say there are two Indias within India. One ruled by ideology backed by RSS cult and another based on time tested Constitutional ideology. So when I say two Indias, it includes two level playing fields.
For BJP level playing field is determined and evaluated based on how it is going make the people flabbergasted in the name of fighting for cultural cause. For Congress it is all about keeping up its election promises of making arrangements for freebies and anti corruption initiatives and all those constitutional bounding which it owes for its existence.
Once gain I am going to take you to Government hospitals for a simple analogy where you can find one of the finest talent who were able to grasp positivity embodied within the system which groomed them and in the same government hospital you can find dark characters who have gulped all the negative apprehensions about the system yet don't want to leave the system with a belief that one day they are going to hijack the system to their convenience.
Now you may wonder who is at loss because of this bipolarity understanding of the same system, it is of-course the patients who are left to grace of time. I mean the time they are either introduced to the one who has very optimistic idea about the system and hence gives a pleasant experience to the patient through his heartfelt service. There are another set of people who have to overcome all the negativity of the person who does everything else but to serve the people which is his primary task as a shareholder of the system.
So has become the fate of the people of the country who have to blame their fate/ time if at all they are left at the mercy of RSS cult and somehow will not be allowed to raise above the din orchestrated by the cult and halfheartedly give consent to all the ill plans to overtake the system. And we can only wish happy moments to the one who are able to connect to the constitutional side of India.
I was on my way to understand the operation of the IOT gateways which bridge the gap between IOT sensors and cloud which led me to buy a IOT development board from Vajruino.
The IOT gateway had a ESP32 wifi module, SIMCOM LTE module with a ethernet port. But one drawback about the gateway was that it was necessary to code the ESP32 in order to configure the IOT gateway. But nowadays IOT gateways are smart enough with a remote configuration option through web browser.
This made me to understand the basic concept of remote access of IOT gateway through web browser. A simple google search led me to an experiment wherein it is possible to control the ESP32 GPIO using webserver technique from a web browser over a local network.
It basically requires a node mcu esp32 board available over any robotic e-commerce website. A little bit of coding on the Arduino IDE can help you to control the onboard GPIO connected LED from a mobile web browser connected on a local network.
I am appending the Arduino code as below
WiFi credentials
LED pin
Web server object
LED state
LED_state = LOW;
Function to generate the HTML and CSS code for the web page
html = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>";
+= "<html>";
+= "<head>";
+= "<style>";
+= "body {background-color: #F0F0F0;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}";
+= "h1 {color: #333333; text-align:
The first time I lent my shoulders was for carrying a palaquin with a Saibaba photo in a temple ritual and it was a ecstatic feel of showcasing our devotion for our beloved God.
Shoulders act as a unique idiom when it comes to signifying who is allowed to rest upon the same. Shoulders are not only a piece of muscle but a support system in place. And we try to evaluate the character of person based on how he allows the shoulders to be applied for.
It has also become a trend wherein people don't voice their opinion publicly but allow their shoulders to be used by vested interests in private with a belief that it might skip the accountability on their part. Whether in private or in public every act has its own colour and will surely play a vital role when it comes to determining after effects of such acts.
Worst way of giving a role for your shoulders is to allow someone to shoot at someone using the your shoulders. You are not only demeaning the value of your shoulder but you are giving an escape route to the person who is coward enough to claim ownership of his act which he knows has no status quo from ethics point of view.