Friday, 7 March 2025

Every penny saved is a penny earned

It was all blaring at the traffic signal, unable to find a way to give space for ambulance the vehicles were continuously honking. An ambulance is making noise because it is not reaching the place wherein it is supposed to be saving someone's life. Similar analogy holds good for a fire engine, a police convoy and so on.

Most of the world's problem is because of one simple reason i.e. right people are at wrong place and wrong people are at very wrong places. In simple terms people who are supposed to be behind bars are outside and people who are supposed to be outside are behind the bars.

Without going into much details on why it is so or what are its roots about, we can put our efforts in firefighting the situation. I mean to say that the fire has engulfed the world and we cannot waste our time in discussing what led to the fire and who gains from the same. But the need of moment is to devote our time in putting out the fire and in parallel save the individuals who are stuck in furnace. 

Having laxly response to the burning moment isn't going to help anyone as every effort matters and every moment counts in the eyes of the eternal. Every penny saved is a penny earned.


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