Saturday, 1 March 2025

Lending your shoulders

The first time I lent my shoulders was for carrying a palaquin with a Saibaba photo in a temple ritual and it was a ecstatic feel of showcasing our devotion for our beloved God.

Shoulders act as a unique idiom when it comes to signifying who is allowed to rest upon the same. Shoulders are not only a piece of muscle but a support system in place. And we try to evaluate the character of person based on how he allows the shoulders to be applied for.

It has also become a trend wherein people don't voice their opinion publicly but allow their shoulders to be used by vested interests in private with a belief that it might skip the accountability on their part. Whether in private or in public every act has its own colour and will surely play a vital role when it comes to determining after effects of such acts.

Worst way of giving a role for your shoulders is to allow someone to shoot at someone using the your shoulders. You are not only demeaning the value of your shoulder but you are giving an escape route to the person who is coward enough to claim ownership of his act which he knows has no status quo from ethics point of view.


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