Monday 15 April 2024

Save the Mist

 Its summer at its peak and literally venturing out in mid-noon on empty roads is like get fried on a heated pan. Usually this type of roasting was expected to be offset by shallow rain but even that is missing during this summer.

 A dry spell often seen as evaporated weather gets compared with state of difficulty and displeasure. A drizzle resulting in conversion of dryness to wetness brings a sense of satisfaction and invokes patience rekindling hope of sublime emotions.

Dryness and wetness not only related to external weather but also internal sustenance. As and when we move away from kindness and humanity you can expect a dry spell with the hearts literally punishing it for your vague thoughts. Problem with internal dryness when compared to external dryness is that there is no need to convince anyone for forgone external dryness as it is quite natural wherein it becomes duty of nature to bring in the wetness to quench the thirst of the dried.


But internal dryness is heavily engulfed by the thoughts which acted as convincing particulars to embrace and feel internally dried. And to bring back that wetness into the hearts is mountainous task. Its our duty to fight the dryness and save that mist within the heart irrespective of who and how many stand against it.

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