Thursday 11 April 2024

We were always a wicked

 I would always be wrong to say that we are embracing wickedness out of blue or our surrounding has gone delusion-ed when compared to yesterday. Deceit, deranged, dichotomous, you mention any cringe word from dictionary and you can find it in our connections. 


But none of this had a bearing on our perception w.r.t. recreational understanding. There was an unwritten understanding between the two extremities to not to cross each others path. And thus our younger generation were insulated from the parched thoughts to help them design their own future based on principles of universal brotherhood.

As there was consensus being formed amongst adamant fundamentalists on keeping the future away from the self centrist mentality, a personality that believes in dismembering consensus has made a headway to un-groom the holistic approach being infused within the senses of the projected.


Does this mean our strides in purported acceptance of mentored future gone awry? The answer doesn't lie in a straight forward  dynamism, but we can be assured that there has been a damage to credible holistic view. It is time to ascertain who were influenced by the polity based on integrity and who just coerced themselves citing crowd mania.

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